Oxygen Advantage® Breathwork

Do you find yourself frequently yawning or sighing? Are you a noisy breather? Is your mouth dry in the morning? Does your upper chest move when you breathe? These are all signs of dysfunctional breathing that can lead to anxiety, poor sport performance, insomnia, worsening asthma, and even back pain! So much focus has been placed on proper eating habits and exercise with much less concern over proper breathing patterns.


Oxygen Advantage® breathwork is safe for the majority of people and requires little more than proper instruction. Whether you are looking to reduce your asthma symptoms, reduce anxiety, improve your sleep, improve your marathon time or prepare for a hiking adventure, proper breathing strategies can get you there!

As an Oxygen Advantage® student, you will learn the physiology of breathing, you will learn how to harness your breathing potential to improve your health and performance!