BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) training induces skeletal muscle growth and increases muscular strength.

Applications Include:

  • Pre & Post Operative Rehabilitation
    • BFR can be used postoperatively, even during stages of non-weight-bearing, to reduce muscle atrophy
    • Post-op tissues are not able to be loaded enough to achieve strength and hypertrophy gains; Due to the massive release of endogenous human growth hormone with BFR, rapid changes can be achieved in minimal time, reducing overall recovery time
    • BFR is used to augment the body’s own regenerative abilities to avoid recurring injuries
  • CrossFit
    • Address a weak muscle group utilizing a single BFR workout each week
    • Prepare for or recover from competition
    • BFR works within 20-40% of 1 RM, so it can be performed as an adjunct to high-intensity training without impeding recovery
    • Improve muscular endurance leading to overall performance improvement
    • Utilize BFR as a metabolic finisher after a workout
  • Olympic Weightlifters and Powerlifters
    • Improve strength and hypertrophy without interfering with an already high training load
  • Deload Weeks
    • Continue to train strength and hypertrophy while taking a break from heavy lifts
  • Athletes
    • In Season – Perform strength workouts with BFR between games
    • Endurance – Perform BFR sessions to improve local muscle tolerance to lactate while maintaining strength to increase training volume
  • OF NOTE:
    • Traditional resistance exercise suggests 12 weeks of work must be completed to obtain significant results
    • BFR studies show significant hypertrophy in as little as 2 weeks!