Telehealth Physical Therapy

Telehealth Physical Therapy is a PT service that is provided over a technology platform, rather than in-person. Telehealth PT is a great way to access therapy services when you are homebound, have a strict schedule, are far from your clinician of choice, or as an extension to your in-clinic care.

Common use cases include:

  • Orthopedic issues
  • Post-discharge checkups
  • Quick screens
  • Advanced intake of subjective history
  • Adding wellness and preventative services to daily PT practices
  • Consulting with other practitioners (McKenzie screens, CrossFit instructors, personal trainers, etc.)
  • Post-surgical monitoring and rehabilitation

During a Telehealth Evaluation, your therapist will:

  • Walk you through a medical interview discussing your medical history and chief complaint.
  • Screen for RED FLAGS, reasons why Telehealth may not be a suitable course of action for you. If RED FLAGS are present, your therapist will refer you to the appropriate provider and assist you in obtaining that appointment.
  • Perform a movement-based assessment, analyzing movement patterns and relating them to your symptoms, allowing your therapist to create a treatment plan personalized to you.

Telehealth Treatments consist of:

  • Education to help the patient/client understand their diagnosis and what steps they should take to improve their function
  • Therapeutic Exercises are prescribed to address areas in need based on the patient’s symptoms and movement assessment
  • Optional in-clinic care for manual therapy, if appropriate

What does the RESEARCH say?

American Physical Therapy Association

Stroke Rehabilitation

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal Pain

Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy

Telehealth and Patient Satisfaction

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation